Why Shazam! Is The DCEU's Best Hope

Why Shazam! Is The DCEU's Best Hope

It has been almost a year since Justice League hit theaters, and the DCEU has gone through a fair number of significant changes and upheavals. There are several significant projects right around the corner with films like Aquaman and Wonder Woman 1984 set for release, but it's a lesser-known hero who stands out as the possible brightest hope for live-action DC movies. I'm specifically talking about David F. Sandberg's Shazam!, as the upcoming, lighthearted DC romp looks like it could be the saving grace of live-action DC movies.

The first official trailer for Shazam! dropped this weekend at San Diego Comic-Con, taking the internet by storm. For the first time, the internet finally got a chance to see Asher Angel as Billy Batson, as well as Zachary Levi as the titular hero -- who Billy turns into when he yells the name "Shazam!" There has never been a DC movie quite like this (even if Shazam! draws a ton of inspiration from movies like Big), and that could play a key role in ensuring its success.

Though we don't love to continually draw comparisons between the DCEU and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's worth looking at the success of Iron Man to see how Shazam! could mark a major win for DC. Tony Stark was a relatively unknown property to mainstream audiences when the MCU began back in 2008. In the same regard, Shazam is a similarly obscure DC hero (though he's nothing like Tony in terms of characterization), and that could help position Shazam! as something fresh and exciting.

Just take a look back at the problems that other DCEU films have faced over the years. Movies like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, and Justice League were largely criticized by some segments of the fanbase for how they handled certain beloved characters. Many DC aficionados have much-needed ideas as to what their movie Batman, Superman, or Joker should look and act like in a film. On the other hand, a hero like Shazam (who hasn't been depicted in live-action for decades) is a blank slate with far more malleability and potential for new types of stories.

Granted, the Wonder Woman franchise is doing just fine with an established hero who has plenty of mainstream brand recognition, but Diana Prince's formula for success arguably feels somewhat hard for other franchises to replicate. That film was a significant cultural milestone in its own right, and it also largely thrived based on how separated it was from the rest of the DCEU continuity. Shazam! doesn't have to worry about that. Early glimpses have confirmed that it's going all in on references to the greater DCEU lore, but with so little established big-screen mythology, David F. Sandberg and the team behind the movie can do a lot of different and exciting stuff with the titular hero.

From there, if Shazam! does indeed become the success that I think it can become, that could open the door for DC to continue embracing lesser-known heroes to fill out its ranks. With heroes like Martian Manhunter or Booster Gold waiting in the wings, a profitable Shazam! could easily pave the way for DC to similarly invest in these cool icons while giving top-tier heroes like Batman and Superman a much-needed break.

We will find out precisely what audiences think of Billy Batson and his musclebound hero form next year when Shazam! finally debuts on the big screen on April 5, 2019! Until then, watch out for the December 21, 2018 release of James Wan's Aquaman, and keep it here for more updates on anything and everything related to the DC world.

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It's crazy that we've waited as long as we have to see a tally of Mysterio in a live-action film. The air from the comics has an stock tally set in the movie industry -- originally introduced as Quentin Beck, special effects extraordinaire -- and yet villains taking into consideration Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, Venom, Lizard, Electro, and Vulture every got time on the huge screen in the past he did. Thankfully, that particular time of ignorance is coming to an stop taking into consideration Spider-Man: in the distance From Home, and today we got our unbelievable first see at Jake Gyllenhaal in the role courtesy of the blockbuster's debut trailer.With most of the footage in the preview catching the audience going on taking into consideration Peter Parker (Tom Holland) as he makes his artifice to Europe for summer vacation, the proclaim of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's huge extra enemy is saved for basically the no question end. An antagonism on Venice requires a hero, and taking into consideration Spider-Man out of uniform/incapacitated the job is left to Mysterio -- who makes one hell of a dramatic entrance. Calling out, 'You don't desire any portion of this,' he speedily jumps into fight against some anthropomorphic water (perhaps Hydro-Man?), and gives audiences the world exceeding an unbelievable qualified first see at his perfect, comic book-accurate costume.Surely portion of what has kept Mysterio out of movie theaters in the last 17 years is the fact that the society he wears is beautiful over-the-top even by comic standards -- but director Jon Watts and the various production heads have finished an unbelievable job overcoming that hurdle for Spider-Man: in the distance From Home, as seen in the screenshot above. The green and periwinkle coloring isn't as full of beans as it is on the page, but they mixture just as capably in their muted shades, and it's unbelievable that he's sporting that huge cape and giant gold gloves. The movie could have taken a shortcut and tried to make a see that would be a bit more stuck for the character, but the fact that they didn't is bold, and the results are amazing.Of course, as excellent as the costume is, there is no question that the helmet featured cutting edge in the footage is what no question completes the look. taking into consideration the periwinkle and green garbs, it was unclear exactly how the huge glass bubble that Mysterio wears in the comics would translate into live-action for Spider-Man: in the distance From Home, but it looks genuinely perfect. It is yet perhaps a little bit silly (you have to make it so that the wall-crawler can yet make jokes just about it), but it as well as looks no question natural and surprisingly practical. It in reality brings the total see together.

Beyond just the aesthetics, the Spider-Man: in the distance From home want ad as well as gives us a see at what Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio can actually do. Specifically, it seems taking into consideration he has the ability to pardon some nice of green dynamism from his hands, which seems to discharge duty quite effectively in his fight against the full of beans water. utter that the air from the comics doesn't actually have any superpowers, just the ability to generate supremely attainable and sometimes dangerous effects, one might undertake that what we're seeing on display is some nice of an magic based in some enlightened technology that he has, but I suppose that we'll have to wait until the film is actually released in the past we find out the secret.As an extra bonus, I'll as well as tapering off out that you can see Mysterio's eye fable in his green projections, the same logo that is typically featured on the emblems on his shoulders:

At this tapering off we yet can't tell that we know too much just about Mysterio's role in Spider-Man: in the distance From Home, but we are no question fascinated by this first look. Not deserted does the air see absolutely perfect, but it's notable that it appears that he will be introduced to the tally as a hero helping civilians in hard times by taking beside offensive supervillains. We can undertake that his arc will eventually slant him into an enemy that Spider-Man has to rout in a huge third conflict battle, but at this tapering off we in reality have no clue how he winds going on going from tapering off A to tapering off B.We shall continue to wait patiently for every of that suggestion and a total lot more, but amongst now and then we at least have the Spider-Man: in the distance From home want ad to watch exceeding and exceeding another time on repeat:

Starring Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zendaya, Samuel L. Jackson, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Cobie Smulders, and more, Spider-Man: in the distance From home will be the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie released after Avengers: Endgame, and will be kicking off Phase 4 taking into consideration its beginning this summer. The film will be in theaters everywhere on July 5th, and be distinct to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for a total lot more of our upcoming coverage.

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