Gwyneth Paltrow Is Doing Reshoots On Avengers 4 With Robert Downey Jr.

Gwyneth Paltrow Is Doing Reshoots On Avengers 4 With Robert Downey Jr.

Fans are eagerly awaiting any kind of details about Avengers 4, the sure-to-be climactic finish to this iteration of the MCU. Very little is known about the movie at the moment, but we assume it won't feature quite as many characters as Infinity War when it begins. There are some significant characters whose fates were left unconfirmed at the end of the movie, but with reshoots for Avengers 4 underway, we now know that Pepper Potts will be involved in the film-- thanks to a post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow.

Thanos wiped out half of the universe in Avengers: Infinity War, but it wasn't exactly clear which half kicked the bucket. Lots of essential characters evaporated right there on the big screen, but there are still a few whose fate are unknown. Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts, who has been with the MCU since the very beginning, was one of those missing characters. It's especially notable because Pepper appeared at the beginning of the movie, and plays an integral part in Tony Stark's story. Well, it looks like that story will continue in some form because Paltrow is filming Avengers 4 reshoots with Robert Downey Jr.

Gwyneth Paltrow shared a behind-the-scenes photo of herself with Robert Downey Jr. on Instagram, writing "Lunchtime #pepperony." That's a pretty clever hashtag, but the real news is that Avengers 4 involves Pepper in some way. As to the specifics of the role, we've got a few ideas.

There are a few different ways to read Pepper's involvement. One is that she survived The Snap and is in a couple of scenes in Avengers 4, dealing with the fallout of half the universe being wiped out. Paltrow has previously teased that there's a time skip between the two Avengers movies, and that Pepper and Tony will have a child. Another option is that Pepper didn't survive, and that these Avengers 4 scenes are flashbacks. There's also the possibility that Pepper's scenes are at the end of the movie, assuming that everyone who was snapped is brought back to life.

Whatever the case may be, Pepper's involvement is just another of the many, many reasons to be excited for Avengers 4. There are plenty of theories about the movie right now, but Marvel has been keeping this one under tight wraps. To learn more about the film here's everything that we know so far. There are bound to be a ton of reveals about Avengers 4, so be sure to stick with CinemaBlend, and we'll keep you updated with new information as soon as it becomes available. We've still got several months to go as Avengers 4 doesn't arrive in theaters until May 3, 2019.

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Lunchtime #pepperony

A post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on

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Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off Major Characters

Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off Major Characters

The new Star Wars trilogy has been met with a variety of different opinions so far, but one man who knows a thing or two about Star Wars has strong opinions about one trend we've seen in the new films. Each episode has given us the death (or at least the apparent death) of a major character. Timothy Zahn is the man who launched the Star Wars expanded universe with his Heir to the Empire trilogy and the author who is back writing Star Wars novels today says he doesn't think Star Wars films should kill major characters because the precedent has already been set not to do so, and that Star Wars movies should send the audience home happy. According to Zahn...

My philosophy before the sequels came out was that Star Wars was not the kind of thing where you killed off major characters. My logic on that one being if that was, we kill off major characters, either Wedge or Lando would not have survived the second Death Star [in Return of the Jedi]. It always seemed to me, this is the type where the heroes get into danger and you have to, they have to figure out a way out of it that you'll be happy at the end.

It's been said before that originally, it was conceived that either Lando or Wedge, or possibly both, were not supposed to survive their attack on the Death Star. However, at some point, the story was changed to give the trilogy a happier ending. It's certainly true that generally speaking, Star Wars movies have happy endings, although it's hard to say everybody went home happy from The Empire Strikes Back or Revenge of the Sith. Both of those films had fairly downer endings.

The current Star Wars trilogy, however, has had no fear when it comes to killing off characters. Han Solo died at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and from all outward appearances, Luke Skywalker also perished at the end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

So how would Timothy Zahn have approached a new trilogy? He tells SyFy Wire he would have solved the problem of what to do with the original trilogy characters by simply not putting them in these movies.

My vision always for the sequels would be, you would pick up with the children of our main characters. [The original cast] would be the elder statesman type and not necessarily die on camera. They'd be off doing beekeeping like Sherlock Holmes allegedly did. You don't have to kill off a character to get them offstage.

Sherlock Holmes is a pretty good example. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once tried to kill off his famous character, only to be met by fan backlash which resulted in the author bringing Holmes back to life. Rian Johnson can probably relate.

While Timothy Zahn's idea would certainly have the benefit of keeping the original trilogy characters alive, the downside of it is that we wouldn't have seen them in the movies, which likely would have also upset some fans. With so many people being Star Wars fans, it's going to be impossible to meet the expectations of all of them. However, I'd guess that Star Wars Episode IX is very interested in doing whatever it can to send everybody home happy.

Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off Major Characters August 1, 2018, 3:12 pm 14.2k Views The new Star Wars trilogy has been met with a variety of different opinions so far, but one man who knows a thing or two about Star Wars has strong opinions about one trend we've seen in the new films.
Star Wars Expanded Universe Author Is Not A Fan Of Killing

Timothy Zahn is the man who launched the Star Wars expanded universe with his Heir to the Empire trilogy and the author who is back writing Star Wars novels today says he doesn't think Star Wars
Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off

Best selling Star Wars author Timothy Zahn says he is against killing main characters. Zahn first burst onto the Star Wars scene with his 1991 book Heir to the Empire ,followed by the second and
Star Wars: Decisiones by Timothy Zahn - Goodreads

Best selling Star Wars author Timothy Zahn says he is against killing main characters. Zahn first burst onto the Star Wars scene with his 1991 book Heir to the Empire, followed by the second and third chapters in his Thrawn trilogy (Dark Force Rising and The Last Command).
Star Wars author Timothy Zahn explains why he's against

Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off Major Characters - The new Star Wars trilogy has been met with a variety of different opinions so far, but one man who knows a thing or two about Star Wars has strong opinions about one trend we've seen in the new films.
Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off

To some, this seems like an audacious move and something to be applauded given the weight of their deaths but respected Star Wars writer, Timothy Zahn is not a big fan of killing off major characters.
Star Wars: Timothy Zahn Not In Favor Of Killing Main Characters

Author Timothy Zahn argues against Star Wars killing off its major characters, in light of the recent deaths of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the new films. "Let the past die. Kill it, if you
I'm Timothy Zahn, Star Wars novelist and author of

Zahn has stated lower in this thread that he has clear views on good characters and evil characters, but I think Thrawn is one of the more ambiguous Star Wars villains. He's a respected leader who's able to inspire his men, he's a peerless strategist and tactician, and he's a thrilling innovator who accomplishes novel effects with relatively

Now, as he continues to write Star Wars stories in the new Disney canon, there's one thing he wishes the official sequel movie trilogy hadn't embraced so much: killing off characters. In 1991, Zahn's Heir to the Empire was released, and quickly became a bestseller, reigniting Star Wars fandom with its version of what happened to Luke, Han, and
Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Is Against Killing Main

The most consistently good Star Wars author has been Timothy Zahn and this novel is no exception. The Choices of one takes place in between a New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back. The Rebel Alliance is in need of a new base after the Empire's siege on their base on Yavin 4.
Star Wars Expanded Universe Author Opposes Han And Luke's Deaths

Respected Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn Opposes Killing Off

Suicide Squad Director Reveals Why His Major Steppenwolf Story Was Cut

Suicide Squad Director Reveals Why His Major Steppenwolf Story Was Cut

One fun thing about comic book movies, particularly those in the DC Universe, is that after they come out, filmmakers share secrets about what could have been. Zack Snyder continues to share teases from the Justice League movie he wasn't allowed to finish. And now David Ayer is revealing on social media that Steppenwolf and the mother boxes were supposed to be a major part of his Suicide Squad movie, until he was cut off at the knees. Says Ayer:

Director David Ayer responded to a fan on Twitter who was sharing what looked like concept art from Suicide Squad, the supervillain team up movie that definitely feels like it was tinkered with, repeatedly, during production. In the concept art, we see Steppenwolf and the parademons -- significant threats in Justice League -- showing up in Squad.

Ayer confirms now that Enchantress, the villain played by Cara Delevingne, was originally supposed to be under the control of the mother boxes, those artifacts that caused all sorts of headaches for Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and the members of the JLA in their own movie.

In addition to that, David Ayer went one step further and dropped this bomb:

This makes more sense than we expected. The final act of Suicide Squad is when most agree the story completely goes off the rails. What's supposed to be a rescue mission turns into the members of the Suicide Squad -- including Deadshot (Will Smith) and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) -- teaming up to fight Enchantress in a CGI-heavy mess of poor choreography and worse plotting. It looked like this:

But now that we know the Squad, throughout the course of their movie, was supposed to be tracking Steppenwolf -- and that Enchantress was really under the control of the mother boxes -- this changes completely what the movie could have been. There's additional support that the mother boxes really could have been the thread connecting all of the DCEU (like the Infinity Stones over at Marvel). And a confrontation with Steppenwolf in Suicide Squad would have led to a better jumping off point for Justice League. At least, it would have helped explain why Batman was fighting parademons when that movie started.

There were plans in place at DC to connect these movies, but a few decisions derailed the overall tapestry, and instead of Steppenwolf, we got Enchantress's evil brother. He looked like this.

Yikes. Things will start to get back on track for the DCEU when Aquaman opens up on December 21. Beyond that, DC fans have Shazam! and Wonder Woman 1984 to look forward to. The future looks bright, but the glimpses into the past are a fascinating contemplation on what might have been.

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Thanks to the posters for Avengers: Endgame, we recently learned that Shuri is indeed among the fallen, and the Avengers will not be able to rely on her brilliance for the war to come. Now a new clip for the upcoming film has revealed that another character, one we haven't seen in a while, was dusted: Stellan Skarsgård's Dr. Erik Selvig.
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