Chris Pratt Promises Avengers: Endgame Really Delivers

Chris Pratt Promises Avengers: Endgame Really Delivers

As anyone whos closely followed Avengers: Endgame news knows, most, if not all, of the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters seen being dusted at the end of Avengers: Infinity War will be seen in some form or fashion during Avengers: Endgame. Some of said characters are already confirmed to be returning to the land of the living, whereas with others, like Chris Pratts Star-Lord, their involvement is still shrouded in secrecy. Still, Pratt is privy to all sorts of juicy details about Endgame, and he assures fans that it will be everything theyre hoping for and more. As he put it:

I am a vault of information that would break the internet...everything it promises in the previous movie, it delivers on and so much more.

Marvel is notoriously strict on making sure its actors dont drop spoilers to the public, though there are instances where things still manage to slip through the cracks (Im looking at you, Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo). Nevertheless, Chris Pratt understandably and wisely kept quiet about Avengers: Endgame specifics during his appearance on Good Morning America, but he outright stated that the Phase 3 capper wont fail to deliver on what Avengers: Infinity War set up and will deliver even more goodies during its runtime. With a movie this big, thats good to hear, and were only several months away from learning if Pratts assurances are correct.

While each MCU movie has been action-packed and full of its own surprises, Avengers: Infinity War is thus far the most momentous and impactful movie of this franchise. Six years after he smirked at the camera in The Avengers, Thanos finally stepped into the spotlight and successfully gathered all six Infinity Stones, allowing him to finally achieve his dream of bringing forth true balance." With the snap of his fingers, the Mad Titan wiped out half of all life in the universe, and the survivors could only sit/stand in shock as those around them turned to dust. Star-Lord, a.k.a. Peter Quill, was among those who disappeared, uttering a simple Oh, man before fading away after his fellow Guardians of the Galaxy, Mantis and Drax.

As for Avengers: Endgame, even with one trailer and a TV spot to chew on, there are very few official details we know about the movie. People are coping with the changed status quo, and the Avengers, alongside heroes like Rocket Raccoon, Ant-Man and Captain Marvel, will somehow initiate a plan they believe will fix everything. Unofficially, theres been no shortage of speculation about how Earths Mightiest Heroes will undo Thanos genocide, with time travel and the Quantum Realm being among the most popular guesses. If you thought the Avengers: Infinity War marketing was secretive, Endgame is taking it to a whole new level.

We cant say for certain yet if Star-Lord will be brought back to life during Avengers: Endgame, although since Chris Pratt recently said that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is still happening with everyone on board, thats a good bet that well see him again adventuring across the galaxy. However Endgame unfolds, it will definitely be the end of an era, with some heroes possibly exiting the MCU for good and other heroes taking over as the main representatives of the franchise. So needless to say theres a lot of hype and anticipation surrounding Endgame, but if were to believe what Pratt has said, we neednt worry about getting great payoff.

Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters on April 26, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for continuing coverage. In the meantime, check out our Marvel movies guide to learn what else this superhero franchise has in development, or look through our 2019 release schedule to find out what other major motion pictures arrive this year.

Sylvester Enzio Stallone (/ s t ə ˈ l oʊ n /; born July 6, 1946) is an American actor, director, screenwriter, and producer.He is well known for his Hollywood action roles, including boxer Rocky Balboa in the Rocky series (1976-2018), soldier John Rambo in the five Rambo films (1982-2019), mercenary Barney Ross in the three The Expendables films (2010-2014) and structural engineer Ray

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Looks Like Spider-Man: Far From Homes Opening Will Surpass Homecoming's

Looks Like Spider-Man: Far From Homes Opening Will Surpass Homecoming's

After the epic Avengers: Endgame, Peter Parker is thankfully back, feeling good and no longer a pile of dust! With Spider-Man: Far From Home, he has an action-packed adventure ahead of him with his high school buddies in Europe. As he branches out beyond his friendly neighborhood so will the audience lining up to see him.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is looking at a massive debut in the range of $150 to $180 million when it opens at the top of July, per THR. This would best Spider-Man: Homecomings 2017 opening weekend of $117 million domestic gross before earning $880 million at the worldwide box office.

There is one sneaky catch: the sequel opens on Tuesday, July 2. So these projections are based on a six-day Independence Day weekend, whereas Homecoming opened the Friday after July 4, and ended its first six days with a little over $144 million. This gives Far From Home the upper hand to not only surpass the 2017 blockbuster, but break the current July opening record. If Far From Home nabs those high projections, it can beat out 2011s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 No. #1 spot at $169 million.

Over its first three days, previous projections have Spider-Man: Far From Home at numbers comparable to Homecomings at $90 to $120 million, but the days Tuesday to Thursday likely wont be as profitable as the weekend. The blockbuster will open in China four days earlier than North America, giving the film a boost in foreign markets before it even hits theaters domestically.

Past MCU sequels have notoriously outpaced their origin films for the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Captain America, Thor and Iron Man. This particular release also follows Endgame, which was the MCUs highest earner and currently the second highest grossing movie of all time. Fans are curious about how Endgame impacts the universe and whats coming next in Phase 4. Far From Home is the official end to Phase 3 and the Infinity Saga.

Tom Hollands Peter Parker once again stars, but hes joined by Sam L. Jacksons Nick Fury and Jake Gyllenhaals Mysterio as he is enlisted to help them fight the Elementals and learn of the Multiverse. The teenager also looks to be dealing with a budding romance with Zendayas MJ and the tragic loss of his mentor, Tony Stark.

Captain Marvel exceeded expectations in its first weekend back in March when it made $153 million during its opening weekend before making $1.1 billion, and Avengers: Endgame just about crushed every record in the book with its $357 million debut before racing to $2.73 billion box office running total. Considering Marvels towering 2019, perhaps Spider-Man: Far From Home will join its fellow films among the highest earning films of the year?

Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters on July 2.

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