Brie Larson Reveals One Of The Reasons She's Excited For Captain Marvel To Come Out

Brie Larson Reveals One Of The Reasons She's Excited For Captain Marvel To Come Out

Being a part of a Marvel film means a lot of darting out and around spoilers before the release. So, in anticipation for Captain Marvel soon hitting theaters, the MCUs newest member Brie Larson is starting to feel the weight of spoilers tucked in her brain off her shoulders. During Wednesdays Captain Marvel London premiere, heres what the actress said:

Its part of why Im very excited for the movie to come out, so I can finally sleep knowing I didnt spoil anything.

Nothing like a good nights rest its coming Brie, just one week left! The actress told Associated Press this as she graced the carpet in a royal blue gown with her costars including Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Annette Bening, Gemma Chan and Lashana Lynch to finally screen the film with an audience. This comes after years of extensive training, filming and press, while remaining tight-lipped about spilling too much about the film.

Captain Marvel has a particular interest surrounding it because its a precursor to Avengers: Endgame. Fans have been looking for any hint in sight from the upcoming release to connect with what will go down in Endgame, following the shocking conclusion of Infinity War.

When other MCU actors such as Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland have let spoilers slip albeit in funny and entertaining ways, Brie Larson may have realized that no one is safe from the danger of spoiling the highly-anticipated Marvel origin story. The actress did recently reveal gracing the cover of Empire, jokingly saying someone has to be the Mark Ruffalo of 2019 if she released it prematurely.

For Captain Marvel, there has especially been secrecy surrounding the characters played by Jude Law and Annette Bening. Jude Laws identity has been kept under wraps, leading to rumors he would be portraying either Mar-Vell or Yon-Rogg, though a recently released clip confirmed he will play the latter. Speculation of Benings character has also ranged, but the actress recently broke her silence, stating she will play The Supreme Intelligence.

Samuel L. Jackson recently got chatty about revealing(?) Captain Marvel has time-traveling abilities, leading to some fan theories about how the Avengers undo the events of Infinity War a little more possible and potentially awarding Jackson the real status of Mark Ruffalo of 2019. But Brie Larson she isn't saying a thing.

Early reactions have been kind to Captain Marvel, as first audiences have patted the film on the back for its fun, 90s vibe and performances from Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelson and the scene-stealing cat named Goose. Following its high pre-sale numbers, Captain Marvel is tracking to make around $100 million during its opening weekend, when it blasts to theaters on March 8.

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10 Questions We Still Have About Avengers: Endgame

10 Questions We Still Have About Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is special for a lot of reasons. It's the culmination of 11 years of storytelling, the curtain call for several favorite characters and the finale of one the grandest movie experiments of all time. It's a straight-up cinema event, and yet we can probably summarize everything that we know about this movie in one sentence. The marketing for Endgame has been incredibly secretive, and with about one week left to go, we have a ton of questions still left unanswered.

Footage may have leaked, but Thanos still demands your silence. Spoilers for Endgame are being kept to an absolute minimum and only small pieces of the puzzle have been revealed by footage. However, even new footage reveals more questions than answers. We still have about a week to go before everything is finally answered, but until then, these are the last big spoiler-free questions that remain for Endgame.

What's The Deal With The Matching Suits?The various members of the Avengers usually like to rock their own costumes, but Endgame will feature the characters wearing their first team uniform. The matching white outfits have been popping up on all sorts of marketing and promotional material for a while now, but we don't actually know the purpose for the new costumes. Is it just a visual metaphor to show that the Avengers are truly united as one? Do the suits serve a specific purpose? There are plenty of theories on the latter, but if one thing is clear: the Avengers look damn good in them.

How Do Tony Stark And Nebula Return To Earth?The very first trailer for Endgame opened with Tony Stark stranded in outer space with little hope of rescue or survival. Later trailers revealed that Tony and Nebula do indeed find their way back to Earth. The question is how. Fans have theorized that Pepper Potts or Captain Marvel could mount a rescue mission, but right now it's unclear how Tony and Nebula get from point A to B. I subscribe to the theory that Tony tinkers their way out of the situation as a homage to escaping that cave way back in Iron Man, but we'll know soon enough.

Does Thanos Have A New Infinity Gauntlet?At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, unleashing the full power of all six Infinity Stones left the Infinity Gauntlet charred and withered. Though Thanos' escape proves the Gauntlet still works, it's clearly seen better days. However, the Gauntlet appears good as new on Thanos' arm in a number of marketing materials. This begs the question of if Thanos has found a way to fix the Gauntlet or he gets a new one. Either way, why does he need to have the Gauntlet in the first place? The new Gauntlet could be a trick of the marketing and not actually be in the movie, but I'd be really surprised if the Stones didn't have a big role to play.

Who's Going To Die?During the promotion for Infinity War, Marvel teased that no one was safe. That turned out to be true, and we have even more reason to think that lives will be lost by the time the credits roll in Endgame. This movie has been teased as a conclusion, so it's natural that some characters won't make it out alive. Captain America and Iron Man are the two most popular bets to not survive, but really almost anyone could bite the big one in this movie. Pack you tissues because this movie is probably going to be emotional.

Will There Be Time Travel?There are no less than one million theories about Endgame, but perhaps the most popular one involves time travel. Thanks to some set photo leaks, people think that the Avengers will be traveling through time as a means to stop Thanos and the Decimation from ever happening. Based on comic book logic, this is one of the only foreseeable ways to reverse the ending of Infinity War, and one brief line from Ant-Man and the Wasp may have teed this theory up. Marvel isn't about to drop a spoiler like that before the premiere, but it's the strongest theory out there right now. (Sorry, Thanus fans).

Is There Another Villain?Thanos is the main villain of the entire Infinity Saga, but even the biggest bad guys need some help. Thanos had the Black Order helping him out in Infinity War, and rumors suggest he might not be alone in Endgame. Promotional material may have spilled the beans that there's an even greater enemy in Endgame, but that obviously hasn't been confirmed. The trailers have been really light on Thanos, which might suggest that there is someone else sharing the spotlight. One popular theory was this individual is the inter-dimensional conqueror Annihilus, but that lost a lot of steam when Avengers: Annihilation wasn't the title.

Are The Snapped Really Dead?The ending of Infinity War is one of the most shocking moments in recent movie history, but a number of people online wondered if it mattered since all the characters were more than likely coming back. While most fans seem to be in agreement that popular characters like Black Panther and Spider-Man are definitely not dead, there's debate on what actually happened to them. Did they actually die or were they transported into the Soul Stone? It's tough to say at this point, but their resurrection is a huge focus of Endgame.

What's Going On With Hulk?The Hulk is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, but he called it quits after getting his ass kicked by Thanos in the opening minutes of Infinity War. After that, Hulk refused to come out no matter how much danger Bruce Banner was in. Hulk has been MIA in almost all the marketing for Endgame and hasn't appeared on any major posters for the film. However, he has appeared in action figure form and in some concept art, making us wonder why the movie is being gun shy about showing off the Hulk. The big hint is that he doesn't look quite the same as he usually does, and this is a good indicator for how the three-part Hulk/Banner storyline will conclude.

Is There A Time Jump?Traveling to the past is a popular Endgame theory, but the movie may also have a few jumps into the future. There have been rumors that Endgame will feature a time jump in some capacity. Five years seems to be the favored number, wherein it takes the Avengers half of a decade to figure out how to defeat Thanos. The only indication that there is a jump is Black Widow's hairstyle. Widow rocks three different looks in the movie with her hair progressively changing back to read. This tells us that at least some amount of time will pass during the events of Endgame -- at least enough for someone to change their hairstyle two times.

What Will It Set Up?Endgame is in a unique position because while it is an ending, it also has to serve as a beginning. While some characters are saying goodbye, the landscape of the MCU will supposedly be very different from here on out. Marvel already has some projects like The Eternals and Shang-Chi in development, but will Endgame set any of that up? Could Endgame tease the new big bad of Phase 4 in anyway or will fans just get a small indication of what to expect for the next five years? I'd wager that by the end of it we will get a new Avengers team, but I can also see Marvel ending big with a shocking post-credits scene.

Avengers: Endgame has been an interesting movie to follow. It has so much hype that it's breaking records weeks before it's in theaters, and yet people know so little about it. The marketing arguably doesn't have to do much because no matter what, this movie feels destined to make billions of dollars. We know almost nothing about the plot or character arcs, but that will just make the experience of watching the movie that much more memorable. Overall, it's great to see a major studio holding back to keep people as surprised as possible. The endgame is fast approaching and soon all of our questions will be answered.

WARNING: AVENGERS ENDGAME SPOILERS AHEAD. Also, it's been out for two weeks already. If you haven't seen it, what have you been doing with your life? So after 11 years, 22 movies, and over $20 BILLION, the Marvel Cinematic Universe's "Infinity Saga" has come to an end. Yay 🙌 However
All the Questions We Still Have After Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame may be the biggest superhero film of all time, but it's also left us with a few big questions about the Avengers and the MCU. After the Endgame, there's the rampant
Avengers Endgame: 10 Biggest Unanswered Questions We Still Have

The most-anticipated movie trailer of the year is finally here. The next Avengers movie will be called Avengers: Endgame and will see the heroes left after Thanos' culling reckoning with the
10 Questions We Still Have About Avengers: Endgame

We still have about a week to go before everything is finally answered, but until then, these are the last big spoiler-free questions that remain for Endgame. What's The Deal With The Matching Suits?
Avengers Endgame Spoilers: All the Questions We Still Have

Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of a 22 film story that began back in 2008—so, obviously, it provides a lot of answers. And yet, much of it left us still scratching our heads in ways both good and bad. Yes, dear readers, we still have questions and, below, we'll try to figure out the answers.
The Biggest Questions We Have About Avengers: Endgame After

Spoilers ahead obviously We demand answers! For more awesome content, check out:

The marketing for Endgame has been incredibly secretive, and with about one week left to go, we have a ton of questions still left unanswered. Footage may have leaked, but Thanos still demands your silence .
5 questions we still have after Avengers: Endgame

Though Avengers: Endgame brought over a decade's worth of Marvel movies to a satisfying close, we still have one or two niggling questions remaining. As is the case with any Marvel movie, when
Avengers Endgame Trailer: We Still Have So Many Questions | Time

Yes, dear readers, we still have questions and, below, we'll try to figure out the answers. Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of a 22 film story that began back in 2008—so, obviously, it
42 questions we still have after 'Avengers: Endgame' | Hypable

10 Questions We Still Have About Avengers: Endgame

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The next Avengers movie will be called Avengers: Endgame and will see the heroes left after Thanos' culling reckoning with the fact that half the universe has disappeared. But the new trailer— which we already broke down second-by-second —begs more questions than it offers answers.

6 Questions We Still Have About Avengers Endgame | Zikoko!

Felicity Jones' Ruth Bader Ginsburg Biopic Looks Rebellious And Inspiring

Felicity Jones' Ruth Bader Ginsburg Biopic Looks Rebellious And Inspiring

This year, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg celebrates 25 years of service on the highest court in the land. Seemingly in recognition of her distinguished and ongoing career, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has not one, but two movies about her hitting theater screens in 2018. The first is the already-released documentary RBG, and the second is the biopic On the Basis of Sex, starring Oscar nominee Felicity Jones. The latter has just released its first trailer and it teases a rousing true-life story of someone fighting for what they believe in. Check it out, below:

I have to say, a cheeky Jyn Erso "I rebel" wouldn't have felt too out of place in this trailer. From the visuals to the soundtrack, this trailer is certainly playing up feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fight against a system that she saw as discriminatory towards women. The shots of Felicity Jones' character standing out in a sea of men reflect the imbalance she is hoping to correct. On the Basis of Sex looks like quite the interesting drama anchored by a defiant and fun performance from Felicity Jones. Regardless of your politics and whether or not you're a fan of RBG, stories about people fighting for what they believe in, whatever that is, against overwhelming odds can be truly inspiring that change can occur. This is especially the case when those stories are true.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lived a fascinating life (that's probably why she has two movies about her this year), and this is the kind of story well suited for film. While you might expect a true story like this to be totally self-serious in tone, there is a bit of playfulness in this trailer. Felicity Jones' Ruth Bader Ginsburg seems a bit sassy, always willing to speak her mind. Maybe it's just the fact that it's a period piece, but I was reminded of Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

On the Basis of Sex also has many of the makings of a surefire Oscar contender. Biopics in general are traditionally awards fare, and a biopic about the second female Supreme Court Justice, who is a famously fiery dissenter in a year when a new Justice will be named has Oscars written all over it. Then, of course, there is the cast, which includes Oscar winner Kathy Bates, as well as Armie Hammer, Justin Theroux and Sam Waterston. And let's not forget Felicity Jones, who already received a Best Actress nomination for The Theory of Everything and could possibly notch another given the subject of this film.

On the Basis of Sex is directed by Mimi Leder and arrives in theaters on Christmas Day, just one of many big films opening in a positively stacked end-of-the-year slate. You can check out all of the biggest movies in the coming months in our release schedule. For all the latest trailers and movie news, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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