Star Wars Kathleen Kennedy Is Making Academy Award History

Star Wars Kathleen Kennedy Is Making Academy Award History

While Hollywood has vastly been known as a male-dominated industry, some women have been able to break the mold and find a place to call the shots. Just look at current Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. The Star Wars producer has been involved in the making of over 60 films, that have collectively grossed more than $15 billion worldwide. These projects range from sci-fi classics such as E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, to other Best Picture nominees including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Her dominance in the industry has now led the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences to recognize her achievements. Kennedy will be the first woman to receive the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award alongside her producing partner and husband Frank Marshall.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the Academy's board of directors recently made the decision to recognize the pair, which will be presented to them at the 10th annual Governor's Awards on Nov. 18. Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall will be joining Hollywood influencers such as Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock and Francis Ford Coppola, who have also been awarded the honor in the Academy's almost 100 years of recipients in the category. Kennedy and Marshall cofounded Amblin Productions with Steven Spielberg in 1981, with a hand in numerous big hits such as the Back to the Future trilogy and the Jurassic Park films. The collaborating partners also established the Kennedy/Marshall Company in 1991, producing Best Picture nominees such as The Sixth Sense, Seabiscuit and Munich.

The distinctive honor recognizes "extraordinary distinction in lifetime achievement", "exceptional contributions" to films or "outstanding service to the Academy". Kathleen Kennedy has certainly moved to the top of the industry since her start. Her first Hollywood gig was as secretary to Steven Spielberg on the production of 1941. When the legendary filmmaker was exposed to her good production ideas, she had the opportunity to work on Raiders of the Lost Ark and Poltergeist early in her career. Now, she is best known as the president of Lucasfilm Ltd., since Disney acquired the company in 2012 for more than $4 billion, to which she was previously co-chair alongside George Lucas.

Kathleen Kennedy is currently hard at work, having a central role in all Star Wars films. She put together the creative team starting with Star Wars: The Force Awakens and has since had a hand in Rogue One, The Last Jedi and Solo: A Star Wars Story. The new franchise has dealt with a couple director swaps with Episode IX and Solo, part of the difficult decisions that Kennedy has had to make as Lucasfilm president. Solo's production problems leading director Ron Howard to step in late in development could have of contributed to the recent Star Wars film to flop at the box office.

While being a Hollywood big shot producer is undoubtedly a difficult one, Kathleen Kennedy has been a part of some impactful films that will always be memorable in the industry. In an almost 100 years of the distinctive award she's received, it's about time a woman executive has made so many achievements in a lifetime and is being recognized for it.

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Venom Didn't Use Motion Capture After All, According To Tom Hardy

Venom Didn't Use Motion Capture After All, According To Tom Hardy

Back before we had seen anything from Sony's upcoming Venom movie, we learned, or at least thought we learned, that the symbiote anti-hero would be brought to life onscreen through the use of CGI with actor Tom Hardy performing motion capture. This made sense, as no amount of makeup or costuming could do the character justice, and motion/performance capture is increasingly used for bringing these kinds of otherworldly characters to life in blockbuster movies. However, it now turns out that although Venom is still being brought to life through CGI, Tom Hardy did not do any motion capture for the role, as he explained:

It wasn't motion-capture, because the eyeballs on the creature, on Venom, and the mouth, they don't match with my eyeballs and mouth. So the mo-cap treatment went out of the window pretty quickly... Facially, your eyes and teeth and tongue are not going to match with this. And you need a 7ft tall basketball player in a Lycra suit for the physical shots.

It sounds like practical and logistical considerations ruled out the use of motion capture more than anything else. Unlike a character like Thanos, Venom's facial features are far from human, and as Tom Hardy told Total Film (via ScreenRant), because his eyes and mouth wouldn't match up with the symbiote's, that meant that performance capture wouldn't work. On the motion capture front, to convey Venom's movements, Tom Hardy doesn't have the height or the build, so that too was eschewed. The fact that Tom Hardy didn't perform motion capture for Venom would seem to indicate that the digital animators created all of the character's movements and expressions. That is unless they really did recruit a really tall person for the movements.

This is interesting because motion and performance capture are common in blockbusters, especially superhero movies. In Avengers: Infinity War earlier this year, we saw Josh Brolin's Thanos, for whom he performed motion and performance capture. Obviously Josh Brolin doesn't have Thanos' height, but they still chose to do motion capture. And as far as not matching up to the character, Benedict Cumberbatch did motion capture for Smaug in The Hobbit, so it makes you wonder about what the differences are and the technical aspects that inform these decisions.

I guess it comes down to a question of how much motion and performance capture are really translating the actor's performance when the actor and the character are so different. If so much has to be filled in and changed that the actor's performance is barely there anymore, perhaps it makes sense to just not bother altogether. Part of what is exciting though about a Tom Hardy Venom is the actor's physicality that he brings to the role. So hopefully that still comes through in the film. If nothing else, Tom Hardy will be providing the voice for the character.

Fortunately we don't have to wait too much longer to see how this second attempt at a big screen Venom turns out. Venom, which will probably by PG-13, not rated R, is on track for a big opening when it premieres in theaters on October 5. For all the biggest movies opening the rest of this year, check out our release guide.

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