Watch Dwayne Johnson Tease Horrible Destruction In Skyscraper Footage


Watch Dwayne Johnson Tease Horrible Destruction In Skyscraper Footage

It is fairly common knowledge that The Rock is (literally) one of the biggest movie stars in the world. With that in mind, it only seems fair to put him in a behemoth blockbuster about the tallest structure on the planet. On that note, the first official teaser for Rawson Marshall Thurber's Skyscraper has just dropped online, and it hints at some serious mayhem. Take a look at the teaser released by Dwayne Johnson, below.

That does not offer up much of the action or carnage that we can expect from Skyscraper, but presumably we'll get more of that when the official trailer for the flick drops on Super Bowl Sunday. This footage does, however, offer up a premise and a core idea that's arguably pretty easy to latch onto. Dwayne Johnson's Will Sawyer is an employee working at the newly-minted tallest building in the world. However, while everyone is celebrating and patting one another on the back, Will seems to have some major safety and security concerns about the structure -- particularly in regards to his family on the top floor.

Not much else has been revealed about the nature of Skyscraper's story, but that should be enough to get a fairly diverse audience into theaters all around the world. The Rock has proven his international appeal with projects like the Fast and Furious franchise (from which he will soon receive his own spinoff), or San Andreas, so it seems reasonably safe to assume that Skyscraper similarly wants to bring in an international crowd.

One thing Dwayne Johnson notes in his social media post about Skyscraper, is that it's not a franchise film or an adaptation of an existing piece of intellectual property. While summer has become somewhat dominated by films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the X-Men franchise, and other significant tentpole properties, Skyscraper is bringing a completely original story to the big screen.

With that said, we should note that the DNA of some very specific genres are all over Skyscraper. The film (not unlike 2015's San Andreas) invokes memories of classic disaster films like The Towering Inferno, as well as action mainstays like Die Hard, so there arguably seems to be a fundamental foundation for the film's premise and core ideas. The difference here is that Skyscraper does not use any characters or plotlines that have already been incorporated into other films. Now we just have to wait and see how audiences respond to it.

Skyscraper will hit theaters later this summer on July 13. Make sure to check out our movie premiere guide and mark the film down on your moviegoing calendar, and also make sure to watch out for the full trailer when it drops during Super Bowl LII this coming Sunday.

THIS SUNDAY during the SUPER BOWL you’ll see the first look at our original concept of an idea, @skyscrapermovie A film not based off a franchise, book, ride or existing brand. Just a lil’ crazy idea from writer/director @rawsonthurber that we thought would make a unique, heart stopping, compelling story. THIS SUNDAY during the game, you’ll see first hand the intense heights we’ll take you. #SKYSCRAPER #SUMMER2018 #OriginalFilmmakingLives

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