Chris Hemsworth Is Open To Returning To Thor After Avengers: Endgame


Chris Hemsworth Is Open To Returning To Thor After Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame has been teased as a finale. The film will close the book on 11 years of storytelling, and that finality extends to the characters. The original six Avengers (plus some surviving friends) are on a collision course and not everyone is going to make it out alive. While we can only speculate as to who may be leaving the MCU, Chris Hemsworth has decided to leave the door open for himself.

Id play this character for as long as anyone would let me. Ive loved it so much. But the combination of this many characters in this Phase Three, as Marvel calls it, youll never have this interaction with this many people again. Who knows what the future holds and whether they do prequels and sequels or whatever, Id be open to anything. But right now, this is where we finish up.

It's no secret that Chris Hemsworth wasn't entirely pleased with playing Thor before Thor: Ragnarok came around. The actor has admitted in the past that he was feeling frustrated in the role and that the films have never quite found the right tone, with Thor: The Dark World as a perfect example.

But then Taika Waititi came along to direct Ragnarok, creating one of Marvel's funniest and most entertaining films. It was just the revitalization that Chris Hemsworth needed, and now with Endgame fast approaching, the actor is happy to return should he get the call.

In an interview with Yahoo Movies UK, Chris Hemsworth spoke on his feelings playing Thor changing after Ragnarok, and what an experience it has been to play the character for a decade. It sounds like Hemsworth is not entirely ready to put the hammer down for good, and he would love to play the character again if it was ever needed. (Darryl needs you, man.)

While it's rumored that Chris Hemsworth's contract is complete after Endgame, the future of Marvel is fairly unclear. While we do know of plenty of projects in development -- like Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and The Eternals -- none have technically been officially confirmed. There's plenty of room in Marvel's slate for a Thor 4 if it wants it.

It's good to hear that Chris Hemsworth is down for more Thor. The character just found his stride, so why call it quits now?

As for where Thor could show up again, it's not hard to see him popping up as a side character in other cosmic franchises like The Eternals or Captain Marvel. Also, it would be really fun if Thor had a cameo in the Loki series over on Disney+.

We'll be able to better judge what fate has in store for Thor after seeing Avengers: Endgame, which is out in theaters in less than one week on April 26. To learn more about the film, here's what we know so far.

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