No, Michael Bay Is Not Involved With The Dora The Explorer Movie


No, Michael Bay Is Not Involved With The Dora The Explorer Movie

A fan-favorite children's property is going to get a live-action update next year when Sicario: Day of the Soldado actress Isabela Moner steps in as Dora the Explorer for the film version of the beloved cartoon. With less than a year to go until James Bobin's Dora the Explorer debuts in theaters, audiences finally got a chance to see Moner in the role, but there has still been some confusion about the project online. Specifically, some reports have suggested that Transformers director Michael Bay is involved in the film, but Bay recently took to social media to debunk those rumors and confirm that it's not his project. Bay wrote:

So, while the Dora the Explorer movie is being developed over at Paramount (which is often the home for Michael Bay films) Bay himself isn't actually working on the project in any capacity. As Bay explained in his post, he is currently in the process of developing 6 Underground for Netflix with Ryan Reynolds, and the Platinum Dunes production company is currently in the midst of development on a sequel to John Krasinski's A Quiet Place. Put all of that together, and it looks like Bay and Platinum Dunes are too busy to work on Dora in the first place.

Of course, it kind of makes a lot of sense to confirm that Michael Bay is not involved in the Dora the Explorer movie. The educational TV show is not necessarily known for bombastic action, and when we consider Bay's work on films like The Rock, Transformers, or 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, we're reminded that bombastic action is kind of his calling card.

Though Michael Bay is not involved in Dora the Explorer, there are still plenty of people associated with the film that are worth getting excited about. As mentioned earlier, Isabela Moner (who worked with Bay on Transformers: The Last Knight) is set to take on the titular role, with Overboard star Eugenio Derbez lined up to star alongside her as Alejandro Gutierrez. Additionally, the film has enlisted director James Bobin -- who has made a name for himself in recent years with his work on The Muppets, Flight of the Conchords, and Alice Through the Looking Glass -- to direct the project based on a script written by Nicholas Stoller.

So, while Michael Bay is not involved in the Dora the Explorer movie, we will make sure to bring you any and all relevant updates related to the project as new information about it surfaces online. Dora the Explorer is currently lined up to debut in theaters on August 2, 2019, but until then, make sure to take a look at our 2018 movie premiere guide to keep yourself up-to-date on everything set to debut on the big screen this year!

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