French Group Is Trying To Ban Kids From Watching Fifty Shades Freed

French Group Is Trying To Ban Kids From Watching Fifty Shades Freed

Earlier this month saw the release of the third and final chapter in the Fifty Shades trilogy, Fifty Shades Freed. The erotic romance films, based on E.L. James' novels have grossed over $1 billion worldwide, courting no shortage of controversy along the way. Now it appears that such controversy will continue right up until Ana and Christian disappear from cinema screens forever. In the latest kerfuffle, a Catholic group in France is attempting to ban Fifty Shades Freed for children under 12.

According to The Local fr, the traditionalist Catholic lobby group, Promouvoir (Promote) is taking on Fifty Shades Freed and attempting to have the erotic film banned for children under 12. The group is arguing to French courts that the sadomasochistic relationship featured in the film is inappropriate for young children. The group is citing the French film classification rules which allow for a film to be banned for children if it might negatively affect a child's emotional development. Promouvoir was previously successful in getting Lars Von Trier's Antichrist completely banned from French cinemas and raised the rating for Blue is the Warmest Color from 12 to 18. This also isn't the first time the group has taken on the Fifty Shades franchise. In 2015, it attempted to raise the rating for the first movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, but was unsuccessful.

Now you're probably thinking to yourself "Twelve year olds can see Fifty Shades in France?" The answer is yes, they can. French film ratings are called certificates, and they are based on a recommendation from the Board of Film Classification. The Ministry of Culture then issues a distribution certificate that falls into one of five categories: U-Tous Publics (All Publics), 12-banned for those under 12, 16-banned for those under 16, 18-banned for those under ei19hteen and Interdiction which is a total ban on the film. Fifty Shades Freed currently enjoys a U rating, meaning anyone of any age can see it. If this seems like a European thing, it's not. In Britain, you have to be 18 to see the completion of this great love story, so clearly this is just a France thing and probably just reflects a difference in culture and what we deem as taboo.

I don't have kids and I'm not French, but I will say that Fifty Shades Freed does seem like it might be a bit too mature for those under 12, but this could just be a cultural difference. There is also the question of what parent is letting their young child see this movie or bringing them along to see it. So I am curious how many kids in France are actually going to see this or if the problem is simply that they are allowed to. France isn't the only foreign country having issues with Fifty Shades, Russia's Culture Minister recently took aim at the film simply for not being good and taking away opportunities from other more deserving films. That's the real story here. If kids under 12 are watching Fifty Shades in their formative years, what is that doing to their view of cinema? Think of the children, France!

Fifty Shades Freed is in theaters now. For all the latest in movie news and how Twilight fanfic can get out of hand, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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How Marvel Studios Will Balance Cosmic And Earthbound Stories Going Forward, According To Kevin Feige

How Marvel Studios Will Balance Cosmic And Earthbound Stories Going Forward, According To Kevin Feige

When Marvel Studios released James Gunns Guardians of the Galaxy back in 2014, they did much more than just introduce an amazing group of new characters to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The blockbuster was also the first legitimate step for Marvel Cosmic on the big screen. After nine primarily Earthbound stories, audiences had the chance to go far beyond even the nine realms featured in the Thor movies and start to learn about the vast variety of life that lives in the far reaches of the universe.

Guardians of the Galaxy quickly became one of the most popular brands in the Marvel world, opening up endless potential for cosmic cinematic stories in the franchise but there is a hitch that comes with that success. There are only so many blockbusters that can be released in a given year, and the studio has to weigh demand for both material on Earth, and out in outer space. Its a complication that Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is definitely aware of, as I learned sitting down with him for an interview last week:

It's always a balance, and it's always led by the journey of whatever character we're bringing to the screen. And I love that we can do both. And I love that Doctor Strange goes to another place, and I love that Ant-Man And The Wasp goes to another place. So it all is just the embarrassment of riches of the Marvel Comics at our disposal.

I spoke with Kevin Feige during the Los Angeles press day for Anna Boden and Ryan Flecks upcoming Captain Marvel, and it felt like a perfect setting to bring up the subject given that Carol Danvers as a character who has one foot here on our home planet, and the other beyond the stars. And while the situation presented is one that certainly offers challenges from an executive position, Feige definitely sees the positives in it, as it means that the mainstream audiences are excited to travel to all the crazy worlds to which the heroes take us.

As has been emphasized many times in recent years, Marvel Studios is not officially announcing their plans beyond the films released in 2019 until their films in 2019 have been released but we have certainly learned about material they have cooking, and it does include a mix of both cosmic and Earthbound material. In the former category we have both Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (which is currently looking for a director to replace James Gunn) and Chloe Zhaos The Eternals; and in the latter there is Ryan Cooglers Black Panther 2, Cate Shorthands Black Widow, and Scott Derricksons Doctor Strange 2.

All things considered, and knowing there are still many more projects coming our way, thats pretty balanced but it should be noted that the specific numbers arent exactly meant to ultimately be exact. Kevin Feige stressed that they arent creating columns and tally marks but also added that the history of Marvel Comics have seen even numbers of both cosmic and Earth-set stories. Said the filmmaker,

I wouldn't say it's that we have to sit and go, 'Wait a minute, there are three space [stories], so we need two Earth [stories].' It's not like that. But I think because the stories in the comics are relatively balanced in terms of both that that's what we end up seeing in the movies.

Considering this as someone who has read a lot of those relatively balanced space and Earth comics, its exciting to think about whats possible for the big screen in the future. Take, for example, the year 2006 for Marvel Comics, which was a period that saw the company execute two massive events in the pages of their various magazines: Civil War and Annihilation. This was possible because there was no real overlap between them; one was a massive conflict that played out entirely on Earth, and the other was exclusively in space. Its not unimaginable that we could see Marvel Studios someday execute something very similar, going as far as to establish two disparate epic storylines, each involving multiple series, that culminate at the same time offering two completely different experiences for audiences.

Its not only fun to think about whats coming in the distant future, however, as Marvel Studios has some greatness coming your way very, very soon. Specifically, Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Lashana Lynch, Jude Law, Annette Bening, and Ben Mendelsohn, is now just a little over a week away, set to hit theaters on March 5th. Ill have plenty more for you from my interview with Kevin Feige between now and then, so be on the look out here on CinemaBlend.

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