Arnold Schwarzeneggers Photo With Linda Hamilton On Terminator 6 Set Will Warm Your Heart


Arnold Schwarzeneggers Photo With Linda Hamilton On Terminator 6 Set Will Warm Your Heart

With the trend of nostalgia helping to dictate the film and TV world, what is old is new again. Plenty of properties have returned in the past few years, and soon moviegoers will return to one of the most beloved sci-fi franchises of all time: Terminator. An untitled Terminator 6 movie is currently in production, bringing back OG franchises stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton. While Arnold has come in and out of the franchise, Hamilton's Sarah Conner hasn't been seen since James Cameron's iconic Terminator 2: Judgment Day-- the undisputed fan favorite installment. Fans are eager to see the dynamic duo reunite, and now Schwarzenegger has shared an image from the set that is sure to give you all the feelings.

Now this is awesome. Not only are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton reunited, but they went so far as to recreate an image of the actors from the 1990s. As if fans of T2 weren't already excited for the upcoming sequel, this is a reminder of just how great that iconic sequel was.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent Instagram post is just the latest peek into the Terminator 6 set that the actor has shared with his generations of fans. Schwarzenegger is clearly psyched to be returning to his most iconic role, especially given the upcoming sequel's new timeline-- with both Linda Hamilton and James Cameron involved in one way or another. While it seems Sarah Connor will be a major role, Cameron is being credited as a producer on the upcoming sixth sequel. Now the question is: what will it be about?

Not much is known about the upcoming sixth Terminator movie, including its title. The movie will be a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, ignoring the handful of time altering sequels that followed in the decades since its release. A similar move was done with Blumhouse's Halloween, giving the filmmakers the freedom to craft a new narrative, while also simplifying a complicated canon for moviegoers. The Terminator franchise has been going strong since the original movie hit in 1984. As such, it's a good idea to make the property a bit more user friendly.

Fans of the Terminator franchise are especially eager to see the characterization of Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor. In her first two movies, the mother and survivor had a giant arc. It's been decades since she was last scene, and Sarah has likely gotten even more hard and strong in the process. The first images show her alongside mysterious new characters Grace (Mackenzie Davis) and Dani (Natalia Reyes), making it clear that the future of the Terminator franchise is female.

All will be revealed when Tim Miller's Terminator 6 arrives in theaters on November 15, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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Happy birthday to my dear friend Linda Hamilton. One of my favorite co-stars, a true badass, and a wonderful human being. I’m pumped to be back together again.

A post shared by Arnold Schwarzenegger (@schwarzenegger) on

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