Jay And Silent Bob Get A Reboot Is Moving Into Pre-Production
There's no better way to celebrate a new year than getting a movie that's been talked about for a long time off the ground. That's exactly what famous director Kevin Smith did, meeting with Jason Mewes and Jordan Monsanto to work on the upcoming flick Jay and Silent Bob Get a Reboot. Take a look at the crew in the office putting the movie into what Kevin Smith calls "pre-pre-production."
I love that Kevin Smith jokes in his post about how they are the only people working in Hollywood during the holiday. Driving in Los Angeles during rush hour over the holidays is a breeze compared to the months when more movies and TV programs are in production, so he's not wrong.
More importantly, however, Kevin Smith's tweet finally indicates the oft-discussed Jay and Silent Bob Get a Reboot is finally getting off of the ground. And its timeline seems to be right on track.
Jason Mewes previously talked about when Jay and Silent Bob Get A Reboot was planning to get off the ground. He mentioned a January pre-production date and that the plan was to start filming the movie in February. So, this post seemingly confirms Mewes' timeline is accurate and the movie is coming together at a good clip.
Kevin Smith has also been clear that although the word "reboot" is literally in the title, Jay and Silent Bob Get a Reboot is not a reboot in the strict sense of the word. Instead, it's actually going to be like a retread of the original Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, where the Jay and Silent Bob in question find out that Hollywood is making a reboot of that old movie that Hollywood had made about them.
It's either brilliant or it won't work. No matter what happens, I can't wait, and from the looks of things, it seems as if the team behind the movie is also pumped to get going.
After all, 2018 was a big year for Kevin Smith, who nearly died after suffering a heart attack and has attained new fitness and diet goals in the months subsequent. Smith hasn't forgotten the challenges he faced in the past year; in fact, he even had to rewrite the script for the upcoming movie to take out the Silent Bob fat jokes. However, now he seems to be determined to put his past behind him and focus on doing what he does best, which just so happens to be directing a reboot.
So, here's the million dollar question: Are you excited for Jay and Silent Bob Get a Reboot?
Spent the first day of 2019 having a #JayAndSilentBobReboot pre-pre-production meeting at our holiday-roomy @WeWork office! @JayMewes took this pic of me and @JordanMonsanto to both mark the moment and to document that we were the only dopes in Hollywood working on the holiday.
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) January 2, 2019
HAPPY NEW YEAR! May you accomplish all the things you dream of doing (unless you dream of hurting people)! 2018 was the year that almost killed me, but 2019 will be the year of the REBOOT!
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) January 1, 2019
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