The Surprising Way Fantastic Beasts Stars Ezra Miller And Claudia Kim Bonded While Making The Movie


The Surprising Way Fantastic Beasts Stars Ezra Miller And Claudia Kim Bonded While Making The Movie

In Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, we don't see the origins of the relationship between Credence (Ezra Miller) and Nagini (Claudia Kim), but it's clear they have grown close in the time since the previous movie. They are both outsiders with trouble finding their place in society, and it creates a strong bond between them. Naturally, this resulted in the need for Miller and Kim to get to know each other a bit behind the scenes - and as I learned earlier this month, apparently that involved a trip to a solstice party filled with "techno pagan wing nuts," which you can learn about by clicking play on the video below!

Ezra Miller and Claudia Kim were paired for interviews during the Los Angeles press day for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and I had the chance to sit down with the duo to talk about their roles in the film. While talking about the pre-production process and discussing the relationship between their characters, they revealed that they had a nice bonding session that involved the destruction of a glass bowl and a trip to a strange pagan ritual.

Is this weird? Sure. But one can understand the idea. After all, the two were getting ready to star in a movie full of all sorts of magic and mysticism, so it makes some sense to try and get in touch with the closest thing we have to that in the real world.

Picking up a year after the events of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, the new sequel begins with Credence still being on the run after narrowly evading destruction in his Obscurial form. In an attempt to try and understand his connection to the wizarding world, he travels to Paris in hopes of finding his mother, and winds up finding a friend in Nagini, who is a part of a circus sideshow. She is a Maledictus, which means that she can turn into a giant snake -- however, it's a blood curse that means she will morph and take that form permanently (as seen in the Harry Potter films).

The ride that Credence and Nagini go on in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald is one of many weird and wild turns that spell out interesting things for the future -- and audiences will be able to witness that journey for themselves very soon. After a nice long wait, the new movie -- co-starring Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Jude Law, and more -- will be arriving in theaters this Friday, November 16th. Stay tuned for a whole lot more of our coverage here on CinemaBlend, including more from my interviews with the wonderful cast!

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