Cargo Trailer: Netflix's New Movie From The Babadook Producers Looks Heartbreaking


Cargo Trailer: Netflix's New Movie From The Babadook Producers Looks Heartbreaking

Keeping yourself alive in a zombie situation is hard enough as it is. Now, imagine having to keep an infant alive with zombies afoot. Now, imagine there are zombies, you are trying to still keep a baby alive, oh, and you are also not long for this world. That is the core premise of Netflix's upcoming horror-drama, Cargo, and the offering from the producers of The Babadook looks like nothing less than a heartbreaking foray into the world of the undead. Check out the newly-released trailer, below.

Not your typical zombie story, is it? Based on a 2013 Australian short film of the same name, Cargo follows a man named Andy (Black Panther's Martin Freeman) as he journeys through the Australian wilderness to find a safe haven for his daughter in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. The tragic part? Andy has been bitten and only has two days until he will turn into a flesh-eating monster. Along the way, Andy and his daughter encounter the horrors of humanity in the face of the end of the world (in the form of zombies, as well as the living), and a handful of survivors willing to lend a hand to this desperate man.

That premise alone is chock full of dramatic potential, and the team behind Cargo promises something very interesting for horror fans. Producers Kristina Ceyton and Jeff Harrison are onboard to help bring the project to life, and one of their most recent collaborations was the 2014 horror favorite, The Babadook. Given the sheer amount of fanfare that film received when it debuted, we have to wonder if Cargo will be able to deliver the same level of raw intensity and human emotion when it drops on Netflix.

One other thing worth noting about Cargo is that it is the latest in a long line of zombie movies to break from genre norms over the course of the last decade. Zombie movies arguably have saturated the horror landscape in the years since the late George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead debuted, but films like Maggie, Zombieland, and Warm Bodies have shown what directors can do with zombies by taking off-kilter approaches to the material -- whether those approaches are dramatic or comedic. Cargo seems to nestle comfortably into that concept by offering up a personal story about a father trying to keep his daughter alive, and hopefully, it will become one of the horror movies to watch out for this year.

Cargo will drop on Netflix later this year on May 18. Make sure to check the heart-wrenching zombie drama out when it debuts and check out our Netflix premiere guide and our movie premiere guide for more up-to-date information on 2018's most exciting and significant film releases!

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