Samuel L. Jackson Is Back Playing Nick Fury On Spider-Man: Far From Home Set
We haven't seen Nick Fury on the big screen since his brief cameo in the end-credits of Avengers: Infinity War a few months ago. However, Samuel L. Jackson has more than one Marvel appearance coming up. He's set to start in Captain Marvel in 2019 and while a set photo in July had some people hoping he was doing work for Avengers 4, it quickly became clear that Nick Fury was actually in Europe as part of Spider-Man: Far From Home's cast. This week, he's back on set and sharing a fun photo of him getting into makeup as Nick Fury.
According to the image, Samuel L Jackson is busy getting back into Nick Fury's traditional facial hair look this week for Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is currently filming in England. The cool new post doesn't share a lot about the movie, but the image is coming after news broke earlier this month that both Nick Fury and Maria Hill, played by Cobie Smulders, will appear in the upcoming Spidey-oriented film.
It's interesting to think of Nick Fury in the same room as Spider-Man. The two have rapport in the comics and Nick Fury has even acted as a Spider-man mentor before in print; however, the two Marvel characters haven't met on the big screen, yet. Plus, Marvel sharing characters for a Spider-Man movie is always interesting, because technically Spider-Man: Homecoming and the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home are Sony movies. Sony takes home the profits of those films and in exchange, Marvel also gets to use Peter Parker for its own films, for free. Obviously characters like Iron Man and Pepper Potts appeared in Homecoming and Far From Home will at least have borrowed another Marvel-owned character in Nick Fury. It's the sort of deal that seems unlikely and hard to work out, yet both studios have made it work so far.
So far, we don't know a ton about Spider-Man: Far From Home and we really don't know how the flick will fit into the current Marvel timeline, considering the last time we saw Peter Parker he was literally dust in the wind. In the new movie, the character is expected to be back in action and on a field trip in Europe with his high school pals. The stakes seem decidedly lower with that plot than what is coming in Avengers 4, but we'll have to wait and see how the whole storyline pans out with Thanos next year.
For now, you can take a look at our Marvel movies guide to see what is coming out, timeline-wise, or just wait until Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3, 2019. Spider-Man: Far From Home will hit theaters on July 5, 2019.
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