Godzilla 2 Actress Reveals She'll Have A Way To Control The Monsters


Godzilla 2 Actress Reveals She'll Have A Way To Control The Monsters

It's been four years since Godzilla was successfully rebooted for Hollywood, and while the MonsterVerse continued last year with the 1970s-set Kong: Skull Island, the giant, fire-breathing reptile is finally returning next year for Godzilla: King of the Monsters. With a few exceptions, King of the Monsters features an entirely new cast, with The Conjuring's Vera Farmiga being one of the main stars. As we've seen numerous times, there's little that humans can do against these massive creatures, but Farmiga has revealed that her character, Dr. Emma Russell, will be able to communicate with Godzilla and the other monsters, which could allow her to control them. As Farmiga explained:

I play a paleobiologist. She has figured out a way to communicate with the creatures and potentially control them using their bioacoustics on a sonar level. So she is like a DJ for the monsters.

It's unclear how much time has passed since the events of Godzilla when Godzilla: King of the Monsters starts, but given that the former movie marked the public's exposure to these monsters (the "incident" in Kong: Skull Island was most definitely kept under wraps), no doubt that Earth's greatest minds from both Monarch and other organizations haven been wracking their brains on how to deal with these creatures. Judging by Vera Farmiga's revelation to Metro, it's a good bet that Dr. Emma Russell is working for Monarch, and through trial and error has devised a way to talk with the monsters. From there, she can potentially control their actions. Given the destruction Godzilla and these other monsters have wreaked, you can't blame humanity for creating a meands to get them under control, but it isn't a stretch to assume that something will go wrong with this science.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters will see Godzilla clashing with Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah (his arch-nemesis), leaving humanity's very existence hanging in the balance. Presumably these epic clashes will force this "bioacoustics" technology to be broken out for immediate use. Vera Farmiga's Emma Russell is joined by her husband Mark, played by Kyle Chandler, and her daughter Madison, played by Millie Bobby Brown. The rest of the cast includes Bradley Whitford, Thomas Middleditch, Charles Dance, Zhang Ziyi, Randall P. Havens and O'Shea Jackson Jr., as well as Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins reprising Dr. Ishiro Serizawa and Dr. Vivienne Graham, respectively.

Directed by Trick 'r Treat's Michael Dougherty, Godzilla: King of the Monsters rampages into theaters on May 31, 2019, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates on its development. For now, look through our 2018 release schedule to learn what movies are premiering later this year, and don't forget that in 2020, Godzilla will return to battle King Kong in the appropriately-titled Godzilla vs. Kong.

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