This Avengers-Loving Household Is Winning Halloween This Year


This Avengers-Loving Household Is Winning Halloween This Year

Every year on Halloween, we see trends in decorations and the most popular costumes, trends that often reflect the zeitgeist and the cultural touchstones of the moment. On the cinematic side of things, the dominating piece of culture this year is Avengers: Infinity War, the Marvel Cinematic Universe's decade-in-the-making event. One Avengers-loving household took inspiration from that film for its decorations this year, and in so doing is winning Halloween. Take a look.

Avengers: Infinity War came out in April, but... too soon? If you want to talk about scary and horrific images that fit the spirit of the holiday, the traumatic experience of seeing Spider-Man beg and plead not to go to Tony Stark as he faded into nothingness certainly fits the bill, at least for Marvel fans.

Sure, iconic horror villains like Freddy, Jason, Pennywise and Michael Myers are more brutal in their methods, but when it comes down to kill count, Thanos is the cinematic GOAT.

This Halloween decoration is a truly brilliant and clever piece of work, and what's particularly cool about it is that it isn't some crazy elaborate thing that required a lot of hours of work or money to pull off. There are no sound effects, a smoke machine (not to knock those) or any other technological aids to create the scene. It is simple and yet totally effective.

This decoration not only depicts one of 2018's most memorable cinematic moments, but it also fits with Halloween holiday and the autumn season thanks to the pumpkin and the leaves. The leaves representing Spider-Man fading to dust are an especially fantastic touch, and I imagine on a windy day with the leaves blowing around, this scene it looks even more impressive.

Just based on this Twitter post, if I had to guess, this household probably goes all out every Halloween and Christmas too. It's likely that this is the house that backs up traffic on the block during the holidays as cars passing by stop to admire the decorations and take pictures.

I'm already curious what these Avengers fans have in store for Christmas. Perhaps some meticulously placed Christmas lights that form a glowing Infinity Gauntlet? Or maybe a big snowman with an axe placed in the chest, reminding everyone that just like Frosty, if you want to take Thanos out, you always go for the head.

As far as Thanos and the currently in-the-wind Peter Parker are concerned, we'll next see the Marvel characters in Avengers 4. We're still awaiting the trailer and the title for the Phase 3-ending film but we shouldn't have to wait too much longer. The Avengers 4 trailer is supposed to arrive before year's end.

Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on May 3, 2019. Check out our 2019 release schedule to see all of the big movies coming next year, and for all the latest on why eating too much Halloween candy might leave you not feeling so good, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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