Green Book Just Passed An Impressive Box Office Milestone


Green Book Just Passed An Impressive Box Office Milestone

The Best Picture winner at this years Academy Awards Ceremony Green Book came out all the way back in the middle of November, but it is still playing in theaters nearly four months later. Not only that, but Green Book is enjoying a resurgence at the box office, riding a wave from its Oscar wins. Now, Green Book has another accolade to add to its list of accomplishments, passing the $200 million milestone.

The dramedy from director Peter Farrelly has crossed $200 million at the worldwide box office, and through Wednesday sits at $204.2 million according to The Hollywood Reporter. That breaks down to $77.3 million domestic and a sizable international haul of $126.9 million. Thats a heck of an accomplishment for a film that debuted in wide release in ninth place in North America and never cracked the top 3 at the box office domestically.

Green Books rise in success is due to two factors: a great debut in China as well as strong holds in other overseas markets and renewed interest in North America. The film opened in China on March 1 beating expectations to the tune of $17.1 and going on to $25 million by Wednesday. It now stands as the most successful Best Picture winner in China behind only Titanic.

How much is the title of Best Picture worth to a movies bottom line? It turns out it can be quite a lot actually, at least as far as Green Book is concerned. Over this past weekend, the first weekend since Februarys Oscar ceremony and Green Books 16th in release, the film earned $4.7 million in North America, a number that was good enough for the 5 spot at the box office.

The Oscar bump is real and that weekend haul was over a 100% increase from the previous week. That was in part due to the renewed interest in the film, which saw it expand its theater count by 1,388 according to Box Office Mojo to 2,641.

For comparison, last years Best Picture winner The Shape of Water, only earned $2.3 million the weekend after the Oscars. To find a film that performed better than Green Book in the post-Oscars frame youd have to go back to 2011 when The Kings Speech made $6.2 million following the Academy Awards.

It is an impressive run for a movie that only cost $23 million to make, and was dogged by controversy its entire awards season run. It does make you wonder if the backlash to Green Books Best Picture win actually did it a favor at the box office. Best Picture winners naturally receive a bump as audiences want to see the movie that earned the golden statue, but the backlash may have also made some others curious and feel like they had to see what all the fuss was about.

Whatever the case, Green Book has proven to be a worldwide hit that has had serious legs at the box office and caught its second wind after its big Best Picture win.

Green Book is now playing. Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to see the movies that will be vying for their own statues at next years awards.

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