Daisy Ridley Doesnt Want Rey To End Up With Kylo Ren


Daisy Ridley Doesnt Want Rey To End Up With Kylo Ren

We have no idea what the future has in store for our favorite Star Wars characters when The Rise of Skywalker arrives later this year. Fans have been coming up with ideas and theories almost since the beginning. However, the other thing fans have been doing since the beginning, because this is the internet, is building relationships between characters.

Many are deeply invested in whatever is going on between Finn and Poe, but just as many are wondering what might happen between Rey and Kylo Ren. However, one person who is not into "Reylo" is Daisy Ridley herself. According to the actress...

I do know about Reylo. I dont know how I feel about it, because everyones talking about the toxic thing of a relationship when its essentially emotional [abuse]. Its a tricky road. I do feel like, deep down, Kylo thinks what hes doing is right and he doesnt think hes wrong, but he has also killed so many people. So I cant really get behind it, no, in a personal way.

And just like that, millions of 'shippers cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Daisy Ridley just isn't on board with the idea of Rey and Kylo Ren getting together romantically. She recognizes that whatever sort of relationship the two do have isn't exactly healthy. Ben Solo, however right he may feel he is, has left a lot of bodies in his wake to get to where he wants to go, including one who was his actual father. While Ridley, of course, stays quiet about what we will actually see in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, she tells Steele Wars that personally, she doesn't support the relationship.

Daisy Ridley does tease that redemption for Ben Solo, or at least exploration of the idea of redemption, might be part of the new film. Star Wars: The Last Jedi even teased the idea with Kylo Ren killing Supreme Leader Snoke, and fighting alongside Rey, though it eventually turned out that ultimately that was all for his own selfish reasons.

Ren wanted Rey to join him and use the First Order to remake the galaxy. Now Ren leads the First Order and with The Rise Of Skywalker seeing a significant jump in time after the events of The Last Jedi, it's likely much will have changed in the organization when we see it next.

Thus far the new Star Wars trilogy has been decidedly light on romantic entanglements of any kind. At the end of The Last Jedi we saw that Rose has feelings for Finn, but where that will go, and if relationships are in the cards for any of our other characters, we'll have to wait and see. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker arrives December 20.

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