Who The X-Force Movies Main Characters Will Be


Who The X-Force Movies Main Characters Will Be

Warning: SPOILERS for Deadpool 2 are ahead!

An X-Force movie has been in development over at 20th Century Fox since 2013, and while the project is closer than ever now to happening, Deadpool 2 decided to introduce its version of the militaristic mutant team beforehand. Sadly (and hilariously in the darkest way), most of its members met grisly ends, leaving Deadpool and Domino as the only survivors, although Wade Wilson later went back in time to save the mustachioed Peter. Now that Cable is on their side, that sets the stage for X-Force, and director and writer Drew Goddard has confirmed that this movie will specifically focus on Deadpool, Cable and Domino. In Goddard's words:

It really all stems from a place of love; I love those comics, I love Ryan, I love Josh, and I love Zazie Beetz. When I think of the comics, I think of Cable and Domino and Deadpool, and it's really just knowing, 'Oh, right, there's a world in the X-Universe for the blunt instruments of mutantdom.' It's much more about the characters and my love for them than it is about any plot or story line. It's more about loving them and wanting to see them bounce off each other.

Various characters in the X-Men corner of the Marvel universe have been part of different X-Force teams, but Deadpool, Cable and Domino are among the more popular members, and given that they were a few of Deadpool 2's main characters, it makes sense that they would be the ones leading the charge in the X-Force movie. But as Drew Goddard acknowledged, he was already fond of these three characters beforehand, so it's a good thing they made it out of Deadpool 2 intact. Coincidence? I think not. In any case, if you enjoyed watching Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz play these characters in Deadpool 2, then you can look forward to more of their shenanigans soon, though there's still the possibility that we could see new protagonists accompanying them. And to those of you who were fans of Bedlam, Shatterstar and Zeitgeist, you have my sincerest apologies, although fingers crossed we get a Peter cameo.

No plot details for X-Force have been revealed yet, but just like the comic book versions of the team and the iteration assembled in Deadpool 2, we can count on them being tough, morally flexible and ideally carrying this franchise for another decade. Drew Goddard also mentioned in his conversation with EW that he's looking forward to playing in the same "sandbox" that Ryan Reynolds and company established in the Deadpool movies, so while X-Force won't feel exactly like a "traditional" Deadpool follow-up, expect it to retain similar elements as its predecessors.

X-Force hasn't been assigned a release date, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for that information and more updates when they arrive. In the meantime, feel free to look through our X-Men movies guide to learn what other projects this superhero franchise has in the works.

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