Full Downton Abbey Trailer Reveals A Visit From The King And Carson's Return


Full Downton Abbey Trailer Reveals A Visit From The King And Carson's Return

Downton Abbey wont be hitting theaters until September, but Focus Features has wasted no time giving us early glimpses regarding what to expect. Following a quick teaser trailer a few months ago, weve finally gotten a good look at the grandeur and the opulence of the new season.

Its 1927 and the King and Queen are coming to Downton. Yes the King and Queen! What does that entail? Take a look.

People are in a tizzy about the big and unexpected visit, to the point where Lady Mary asks the now-retired Carson to return to his post at the manor.

Theres more seemingly going on, as Lady Mary seems to be contemplating leaving Downton Abbey altogether, although her trusty maid Anna seems to be at least attempting to talk Lady Mary out of whatever shes planning.

Although weve seen a teaser, a lot of this is big news, particularly Carsons return, but also just knowing the very royal premise of the movie is quite exciting. It looks as if the household has changed somewhat since we've last seen it, but as much as things have changed, they've also stayed the same.

In fact, the same old the world is continually modernizing narrative that has been a major component throughout the history of Downton Abbey will certainly be present in the big screen venture, which should feel very familiar to fans of the show.

Most of the cast is present in the trailer for Downton Abbey, including Maggie Smiths Dowager Countess, who once joked her character would be over 100 by now. She also point blank said she didnt want a movie repeatedly, but shes definitely going to be back for the big screen venture, as are most of the major characters from the TV series (or at least those who were around at the end of the show). All in all, it's nice to see everyone get a little screen time in this trailer.

The trailer closes with a grand entrance from the Your Majesties, although we dont get to see their faces or full looks yet. In fact, the movie has cast quite a few newcomer actors and actresses who haven't made appearances in this first full trailer yet. For now, Downton Abbey fans will need to content themselves with talking about the premise, the returning characters and, of course, whether or not we enjoy Lady Mary's current haircut.

Still, we're still quite a bit of a ways away from the release of Downton Abbey later in 2019. Downton Abbey will officially hit theaters on September 20th, but if you'd like to see what's heading into theaters in the meantime, take a look at CinemaBlend's full movies schedule.

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